How is the SaaS sector driving New Zealand’s economic growth?

kiwiSaaS community members are creators of cloud-based tools that can help many people to be more productive. But how productive are we collectively, as a group of Software-as-a-Service businesses? How much value and growth are we contributing to Aotearoa’s economy in terms of high wage employment and GDP?

The SaaS sector is relatively new and the way data is collected does not allow for SaaS companies to be uniquely identified from the rest of the ‘ICT,’ ‘High Tech’ or ‘Tech’ industry. The kiwiSaaS community is changing that, by creating an identity or ‘single source of truth’ for the SaaS sector.

To help tell our story, kiwiSaaS has worked with Stats NZ and MBIE to create a dataset of the SaaS sector. For the first time, we are raising the profile of our sector by lifting the lid on its considerable generative worth.

What is the SaaS National Dataset?
Biannually, kiwiSaaS provides Stats NZ with a list of the NZBNs (New Zealand Business Numbers) of SaaS companies identified and validated by kiwiSaaS, including those that are in our community. Stats NZ uses the employment and revenue data that it already holds for these NZBNs to generate information about the cumulative value and growth of the sector.

The data is stored in Stats NZ’s Longitudinal Business Database (LBD). This large research database holds ‘de-identified’ microdata about businesses, meaning any business identifiers have been removed or encrypted (i.e. replaced with another number) so that data records are not associated with named individuals. De-identification is one of the ways NZ Stats keep the data safe – it supports analytical insights while maintaining privacy and confidentiality.

Modelling, based on an earlier customised dataset created by kiwiSaaS and using Stats NZ data, has enabled us to create our first view of the SaaS sector - the jobs it creates and export revenue it supports. Over time, and with your help, we are creating a powerful SaaS sector narrative which will help inform MBIE and other policy makers on our sector’s contribution and importance to New Zealand’s economy.

Want to know more?
Contact Us if you have any questions or if you want to:

  • Check whether your company NZBN is included in the current SaaS National Dataset (this list is confidential so we will check it on your behalf), and/or:
  • Have your company NZBN added
  • Have your company NZBN removed.
kiwiSaaS infographic
Group discussion at SaaS event
Made in Webflow